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JROTC Mission Statement-

To motivate young people to be better citizens.

General Orders

1.) I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved.

2.) I will obey all my special orders and perform all my duties in a military manner.
3.) I will report all violations of my special orders emergencies and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of relief.

7 Army Values: L.D.R.S.H.I.P

1.) Loyalty - Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers.

2.) Duty - Fulfiil your obligations.

3.) Respect - Treat people as they should be treated.

4.) Selfless Service - Put the welfare of the nation the Army and your subordinates before your own.

5.) Honor - Live up to all the Army values.

6.) Integrity - Do what's right legally and morally.

7.) Personal Courage - Face fear, danger,or adversity [physical or moral.]

14 Leadership Traits

1.) Justice

2.) Judegement
3.) Dependability
4.) Integrity
5.) Decisveness
6.) Tact
7.) Initative
8.) Endurance
9.) Bearing
10.) Unselfishness
11.) Courage
12.) Knowledge
13.) Loyalty
14.) Enthusiasm

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